A parody collection of Wikipedia-style articles generated by ChatGPT



DALL-E 2 Impression

From Suspedia, Human commentary and not AI generated

Suspedia is a collection of articles completely written by Artificial Intelligence, in particular, using ChatGPT. Other than the writing of prompt, these articles have zero human intervention. We add these articles to Suspedia exactly the way the AI has written them out. The output from the AI is an HTML document, which contains the headings, texts, and references. These are all formatted The way a typical Wikipedia article would be. The humans created a nice looking page and the AI-generated HTML goes into the article section, where it is formatted in a pretty format using CSS.

How Articles are Created

Using ChatGPT, we provide it a simple prompt. For example, what about an article about a bridge between California and Hawaii called the California-Hawaii Bridge:

Write an article in the style of Wikipedia html about a bridge between California and Hawaii. Include references.

About 90% of the time, this will generate HTML output. Sometimes it doesn't. If you don't get a desired output, open up a new chat. On very rare occasions, it claims it cannot generate html files, But we know it does.

The "write an article in the style of Wikipedia html" is a critical piece of this prompt, but you can expand the remaining part of this to drive the article direction. Here is a more elaborate example:

Write an article in the style of Wikipedia html about a bridge between California and Hawaii. Explain what year it was built, how much it cost, and why it was built. Describe the pineapple themed restaurant the midspan of the bridge and what is served. Include references.

Most of our articles are a lot simpler than this, but sometimes we want it to mention a specific event or category. For example, this is how we had ChatGPT write the World's Largest House Cat. Sometimes it needs some more to go on when writing an article, otherwise they can sometimes be short and boring.

write an article in the style of wikipedia HTML about the the world's largest house cat that grew to a length of 50 feet due to a rare genetic defect. describe its diet, home life, a scandal involving the cat and a local rabbit farm, and a scientific explanation

We don't really consider this cheating as it took lot of creative liberty with this topic.

How Images are Created

This process is a little bit more human involved. We use DALLE-Mini (Craiyon) or DALLE-2 (OpenAI) to generate These images. However, we have found that simple article titles don't always produce the intended results or themes of the article. We usually give it some cues from the article theme for it to generate The expected image collection, for which we handpick the best looking image. This function could also be automated, but it would have disappointing results.

Article Subjects

We focused on less serious topics that will not be mistaken as fact, at least by most people. However, you will find these articles can be very belieavble, especially when it generates credible-looking References. This allows us to demonstrate the power and inherent dangers of AI-generated misinformation, without any of the negative social consequences.

Content Suggestions and Submissions

We have thought about accepting these, but there is no way to validate if these generated articles are in fact from AI or someone just writing their own. Maybe I will post a suggestion box soon.

Contact Info

You can reach us at if you have any questions, comments, concerns, etc.